Nadolig Llawen to a wonderful man xxx
Love, P x
well, it's christmas eve afternoon here now in the uk.. traditionally a time when all the panic shopping is over, what's done is done, what you've forgotten you've forgotten, time to raise a glass (or two) and relax.. so may i wish all members/readers/posters a very happy xmas, whether you celebrate it or not, and extra 'get up and go' for 2015.. best wishes to all.. .
Nadolig Llawen to a wonderful man xxx
Love, P x
do jehova wingnuts believe jesus birthday isn't dec 25?
or do they just plain and simple not believe in any birthday?.
They always told me "The lambs were in the field"...and that it was Spring.
i have been going through the most terrible time these past 4 weeks, which has nothing to do with the jw, and everything to do with being abandoned with anxiety, panic and agoraphobia, and a new diagnoses of an illness called pmdd, which robbed me of my career, and it seems, my marriage, as my husband has moved out and left me with our son.
this man, this "stranger", jumped in his car to offer me support, and travelled 2 hours to be with me, despite what was going on with him, just be with me for a few hours and try to help.
what an amazing selfless act.
I have been going through the most terrible time these past 4 weeks, which has nothing to do with the JW, and everything to do with being abandoned with anxiety, panic and agoraphobia, and a new diagnoses of an illness called PMDD, which robbed me of my career, and it seems, my marriage, as my husband has moved out and left me with our son. This man, this "stranger", jumped in his car to offer me support, and travelled 2 hours to be with me, despite what was going on with him, just be with me for a few hours and try to help. He did. What an amazing selfless act. The few hours we spent together saved me that day, and the things he said, are helping me. You are never alone on JWN. And to the few who have inboxed me, thank you so so much. I appreciate you x
If this is "apostate" behaviour, or behaviour of the "mentally diseased", I will take that any day over anything the JW can offer. A truely selfless act. Today, I thank Joe Grundy for being there for me x
Love, Paula x
the good news is:.
- studying the watchtower over breakfast.
- putting on a suit and tie.
Sounds like a great Sunday Zoos, enjoy
great effort from the home side, even though they did get beat by the best in the world.. .
First half was good, but as usual we tire second half....still....a good game.
wanted to say hello to you all.
i am new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself.
i was raised a witness, never baptized (yay) and am married to a lovely baptized witness of jehovah.. i had been trying to get back into it due to both our families being j dbs but just never could get it into my heart.
Welcome along mikeypants, glad you found us Keep reading and researching, the truth about the "Truth" will out......great to have you here.
Paula x see how much i get love bombed in my tight pants and bright socks.. i bet they'll totally respect my gb approved pinky ring though.. i haven't been to a meeting since 1994 so i wonder if they'll get the irony if i ask, "so what's changed?".
good effin' lord....i just realized i've been out for 20 years.. .
I dare please
i have enjoyed reading your comments during the past four years.
deep down inside, i have always been agnostic.
the first few chapters in genesis are contradictory and differing.. no one has ever been able to answer my question: "why was satan ever created?".
Welcome along, and thanks for sharing...keep us updated, wishing you all you wish yourself x
ok so i know its not really anything to do with jwness but we are struggling with baby names and really can't think of one we both like.
its getting a bit desperate as i'm due in about 8 weeks .. i'm getting bored of looking at the same old names on the baby names websites so any suggestions would be much appreciated (girls please).. **cash prize for the one we choose!
** ....... no not really lol.. .
Taryn, Bronwyn, Rhiannon, Astrid, Gwynneth, Lynnette, Pamela,............................................................................... Paula...
Ebola ass in the spagetti....lmao!